It’s been more than a year since I wrote the previous article for the Modern Web Development Setup series. It’s time to admit I’m not going to finalise the series and put an end to it. Especially in the beginning, it was a very educational and entertaining experience to write articles about the web development stuff I was interested in. At that time – mid 2017 – my plan was to complete the series within a few months, but the writing took longer than I expected. And here I am two years and six months later and the series is[…]

Malta – Initial Impressions
Arrangement Challenges For Malta I tried to organise the accommodation, work desk and gym in the best possible way so that I could get the usual daily things done efficiently. So the first thing I did was the booking of a coworking space and I ended up selecting Oasis Offices since they offer very nice coworking plans including 24/7 access, coffee & tee and even dual monitors. Even if the price is a bit higher than average I thought it was worth it. After reserving the coworking space I booked the flights and a nice room from a local apartment. I reserved the room[…]

Road Trip and Surfing
Road Trip & Surfing And another bucket list item checked! I tried surfing for the first time this week and it was fun enough for me to sign-in into a six times surfing course. I think I did quite well and managed to stay on the board reasonably well during the first session, but reading the sea and noticing when good and surfable waves are coming is still a mystery to me. I had hoped there was some kind of mathematical pattern for figuring out how often different kind of waves are coming, but apparently such pattern doesn’t exists. Too many variables. And according[…]

Next Steps
I ended up staying in Finland longer than I originally planned. However my apartment rental and other arrangements here in Oulu are now in order so it’s time to move forward. Fuerteventura My next workation destination is going to be HubFuerteventura and I’m travelling there at the end of the month. It took some time to plan and decide where to head next since most of the popular places in Canary Islands were full until spring. In the end I got accommodation and work desk from HubFuerteventura so I decided to go there. The coworking space is in Corralejo which is a small town in northern tip of the Fuerteventura island. Corralejo seems[…]