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Corralejo Wrap-Up

Here is a wrap-up of Corralejo based on my two months stay here. I enjoyed my stay here and if you’re into water sports I definitely recommend to check this place. For me it’s time to move forward and tomorrow I’ll fly to Madrid for few days and then to Malta for a month. I’ve already encountered some challenges regarding my living arrangements in Malta so let’s see how it goes; I’ll write more about Malta next week. Corralejo and Fuerteventura Corralejo is originally a fisher village and in some ways it’s still visible. There sea surrounds the city and there are lots of boats in[…]

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Duolingo exercises


Finally Some Physical Exercise Last week(s) have been quite work filled. Due to the broken rib I’ve mostly surfed between the apartment, coworking space and cafes and grocery store. Luckily the rib is getting better every day and yesterday I took a 3 hour walk to a nearby hill which offered very nice views over the Corralejo and nearby area. This was the first time for two weeks I reached my daily activity goal and it felt great to be able to move and get heart rate up while climbing up the steep hills. Tech Stuff This week also offered few other nice details. I’ve now been[…]

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Playing with Prisma app


Ribs, Crackle, Pop I mentioned last week I hurt my ribs a bit while surfing. Well, the pain didn’t go away within a week so I went to the local medical centre to get a professional diagnose. Even if the surfers are regular customers also in the medical centre and their issues are usually dealt with pain killers and Bepanthen the doctor suggested to take x-ray images. The x-rays revealed I had a broken rib and based on my understanding – the doctor’s English was a bit limited – the tip of the 7th rib (counted from up) on left side was broken, but in such[…]

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Smart ID card

Estonian e-Residency

Boat trip to Lobos Island last Sunday was great, but the surfing on Wednesday didn’t go that well. I got small wound in my feet, I sprained my left thumb and hurt my ribs. I’m not sure how and when it happened exactly, but at some point the surf board must have hit my ribs hard enough to cause some internal bruises. So now I’ve been medicating myself with basic painkillers, Voltadol (and with a Mojito or two 😉 and taking it easy – no running or gym for four days now – and it will take at least few more before I[…]

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Puerto del Rosario Beach

Road Trip and Surfing

Road Trip & Surfing And another bucket list item checked! I tried surfing for the first time this week and it was fun enough for me to sign-in into a six times surfing course. I think I did quite well and managed to stay on the board reasonably well during the first session, but reading the sea and noticing when good and surfable waves are coming is still a mystery to me. I had hoped there was some kind of mathematical pattern for figuring out how often different kind of waves are coming, but apparently such pattern doesn’t exists. Too many variables. And according[…]

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Work and Fun

I didn’t get any blog text written last week and I took some mental effort to get in the mood to write. For the last two weeks I’ve been focusing on learning React.js while building a web service and it’s been surprisingly fun and fulfilling. Work Habit Analysis I came across Memory app last week and I’ve been trying it out a bit. The app tracks what applications you’re using and what sites you’re browsing and spending time in and collects daily and weekly overviews about your time spend. The data can be used for tracking how much time you spend working in various[…]

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I had somewhat mixed feelings leaving Finland once again. Somehow I had already got used to the daily routines in Ylikiiminki (and the awesome food prepared by my mother ;)) and it was really nice to see friends and family after 2,5 months on the road and spend time with them without too much hurry. But then again I’ve really missed the warm weather, sunlight in the morning and the possibilities to meet new people and network. The first days in Corralejo have been great and the place feels like a nice place to spend some time. The work space + accommodation + gym setup[…]

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Next Steps

I ended up staying in Finland longer than I originally planned. However my apartment rental and other arrangements here in Oulu are now in order so it’s time to move forward. Fuerteventura My next workation destination is going to be HubFuerteventura and I’m travelling there at the end of the month. It took some time to plan and decide where to head next since most of the popular places in Canary Islands were full until spring. In the end I got accommodation and work desk from HubFuerteventura so I decided to go there. The coworking space is in Corralejo which is a small town in northern tip of the Fuerteventura island. Corralejo seems[…]

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Hello 2017!

New Year resolutions Year 2016 was a very exciting year, year of changes. I finished my leadership and management studies, quit my old job to pursue a more flexible career as a sole trader and web developer. I also rented out my apartment and moved to Portugal for two and half months to travel and work remotely. I hope 2017 is even better, but then again if I can get even close to the awesomeness of 2016 I think I’ll be quite happy. In earlier post I mentioned about creating a framework for personal development and I’ve got some kind of framework[…]

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Funchal Wrap-Up

I already wrote about Funchal earlier so feel free to check it in case you missed it. There are few things I didn’t cover yet so let’s wrap up Funchal with this short post. Budget In Lisbon my daily spending was over 60 € even if my general long term target for the moment is 50 € per day. In Funchal I managed to get closer to my target budget – spending about 54 € per day – even if I had a big and modern apartment in the centre of the city and flights from Lisbon to Funchal and from[…]

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